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Classic 7 Path Labyrinth
The Hopi Indians of North America had a symbol for Mother Earth known today
as the "Classical Seven-Path Labyrinth." It was this symbol of the Mother which
identified the sacred in nature - that spiraling form found throughout nature.
Labyrinths were woven into objects to personify man's connection to his source
and were often placed at sacred places in nature to remind him of this union.
When one walks the labyrinth it is in recreating this very ancient expression
of thanks and remembrance of the divine in all things.
Revelations from nature are a part of humankind's connection to the creative
nature of the Universe. Nature can be thought of as a reflection of the laws of
creation. In many cultures from ancient Europe to the Americas it was considered
a rite of passage to have a vision quest - to spend time totally alone in nature, in
a spot chosen by the elders as a sacred place. From this time of solitude and of
humility would come a vision. This vision could occur in the form of a bird whose
spirit would teach or from an animal, a rock, or even the wind and water. Although
the guidance came from within their own being, often it was linked to a place in nature.